School Profile
Diamond Creek East Primary School is situated in a growing residential area, which still has the charming attributes of a rural township. The school has spacious, well-maintained grounds, with well-equipped adventure playgrounds, sporting areas and room for active and passive play.
The current enrolment is 467 and this number of enrolments has remained steady for the last few years. Our SFO index is 0.2478, this group is characterised by nil, or very low, proportions of Languages Other Than English (LOTE) speakers at home and low numbers of CSEF recipients.
There are 33 teaching staff employed at the school and 11 non-teaching staff including Education Support and School Administration staff. Staff are employed at a range of time fractions to suit the requirements of the students and the curriculum programs available at the school. The staffing profile highlights a healthy balance of highly experienced, experienced and graduate teachers. Staff are encouraged to work in and foster a team environment. There is an accepted expectation that all children, staff and parents work together to achieve the school goals for the benefit of all. The caring, professional, staff value all children and are dedicated to providing an excellent curriculum and high quality resources. This is supported with a high parent participation in all aspects of school life, including classroom programs, formal school operations via School Council and the Parents, Friends and Carers Association, parents volunteering and informal school activities such as working bees and social occasions.
Diamond Creek East Primary School offers a comprehensive, sequential, and integrated curriculum in all learning areas with extensive resources and well-planned support programs. Our extra-curricular programs include: swimming, bike education, camping, JETS Gymnastics, whole school concert, DCE Live, interschool sport, Smash Hits (school band), student leadership programs and perceptual motor program. The school operates specialist programs in Library, Art, Physical Education, Music and L.O.T.E. (Auslan). The school has a commitment to the integration of students with special needs and to extension programs for the gifted and talented. DCEPS is divided into three distinct teams Discovery (F-2), Challenge (3-4) and Enrichment (5-6). Along with our four houses: Wilson, Cordner, Coventry and Marshall, they foster a sense of belonging for staff and students.
Wellbeing and mindfulness strategies are taught on a regular basis and feature prominently at our assemblies. On-going professional development in neuroscience and brain based learning underpins our Wellbeing Program.
Diamond Creek East Primary School is a school of excellence; with dedicated, caring teachers and parents actively engaged in providing the resources and curriculum that will develop happy, productive learners. Diamond Creek East Primary School is all about children.
The programs provided develop significant understandings about topics through meaningful learning experiences based on the process of inquiry. All key learning areas have extensive and well-planned support programs, including excursions that are in direct support of all class activities. We are a school community committed to developing and implementing high quality learning and teaching. Our beliefs are based on the core values of Dedication, Care and Excellence. Dedication to providing a quality primary education in an environment that encourages the interdependent partnership of all members of the teaching and learning community – staff, students and parents. Care by the valuing of individual differences – the diverse range of personalities, experiences, interests, learning styles, and academic needs of our students. Excellence by ensuring the employment of diverse and challenging curriculum programs that reflect the goals and priorities of the school and focus on improved student outcomes.
Information disseminates within the school both informally and formally through regular newsletters, Compass, meetings and information sessions. The school's assessment and reporting procedures enable ongoing and comprehensive communication between teachers and parents to ensure student progress is closely monitored and needs are addressed. Individual Education Plans, when required, are developed with the assistance of our classroom teachers, Assistant Principal, Learning Tutor and Additional Assistance Co ordinator.
The school has spacious, well-maintained grounds, with well equipped adventure playgrounds, sporting areas and room for active and passive play, including a courtyard, rotunda and a newly developed passive play area featuring a large scale sculpted turtle ‘Bundabun’. It has a stimulating and attractive Library, well equipped Art room, Auslan/Science Room, canteen and accessible toilet and shower facilities. The classrooms are air conditioned, carpeted and have individual gas heaters. All rooms are connected through a school wide phone system. An Out of School Hours Care Program run by TheirCare operates each morning and afternoon in a purpose built room on the school grounds. Our BER Building provides a wide range of flexible learning spaces that facilitate varied options for learning.
School History
Diamond Creek East Primary School (DCEPS) is situated in a residential area north of Melbourne that still has the charming attributes of a rural township. The school is located adjacent to Diamond Valley College with other neighbouring schools including Diamond Creek Primary School, Hurstbridge Primary School, Wattle Glen Primary School and Sacred Heart Primary School. DCEPS enjoys a close association with many schools in the area.
Diamond Creek was first settled in the mid 1870s as a gold settlement and later developed as an orchard area. Diamond Creek East Primary School is very much involved in its community, which offers a range of family and sporting activities. DCEPS has strong connections with Nillumbik Shire Council, Diamond Creek RSL and the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek. The employment situation in the catchment area varies from the self-employed and professional occupations to a relatively low percentage of families receiving the "Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund" (CSEF) although this is increasing slightly.